Have you Experienced body shaming?
Being skinny is OK.
Not being skinny is OK.
Having curves is OK.
Not having curves is OK.
Bashing someone for their body type is not okay.
Body shaming is becoming a real problem in today’s world. Social media has made it very simple for people that want to body shame others to do so. It is so simple to post a mean comment to someone’s picture that they posted. Some people can easily handle mean comments and just filter them out and some may take the comment too heart. Many people are affected by this type of cyber bullying through the form of body shaming and end up believing that they are not as beautiful as they actually are.
This recently happened to us and this is the reason of why I am writing this article and want to spread the awareness. My daughter was targeted by social media and was being called things like “whale” and “Fatest”. However, instead of backing away, my daughter did something that surprised me and fought back, not in a mean way but in a way that showed people that she did not care about the mean comments that she knew she looked good. This gave birth to our #SlayTheHate, and with this people started supporting her and defending her against all the mean comments. We saw more and more people wanting to support her and actually coming together in supporting each other.

Since this moment on I have been wanting to spread the hashtag of #SlayTheHate. If your wondering what the meaning is behind #SlayTheHate, it basically means to get rid of or ignore any mean comments or action that people might say about you. Its about coming together as a people and knowing that you look good just the way you are and that there is no one that can tell you otherwise. They might try to tell you that you look skinny or too fat or ugly but you know you look good and nothing is going to stop you no matter what.

By getting together and forming a group and being part of #slaythehate we can support each other and stop people from harassing others. We can post pictures of what ever we want without asking ourselves “will other people judge me?” With #slaythehate we do not have to feel ashamed of what we post anymore. We can be ourselves on social media without the judgment of other people. We look good and we know it and #slaythehate is to show the people that, its to show the people who we truly are and that we are not afraid to show it.
Being part of #slaythehate is being part of the solution against body shaming and against any type of abuse over social media. Posting #Slaythehate on your photo will bring people to support you and to like your photo. We can find pictures and help people getting abused by others, we can support each other as a group .